Rotisery Chicken roasting

Understanding Narcissism

Rather than carelessly slinging the word around as a label, understand what it is and is not.

Dr. Ramani, Narcissism Expert

Narcissistic Terms Glossary

Dr. Ramani's playlist addressing in detail, the terms you will hear as you learn more about narcissism.

Layered graphic with a child covering her face in shame, as six adult hands point fingers at her. Words behind her in the background say thinks like 'You are" "shame" "I am"

The Journey of a Scapegoat

The scapegoated child is accused of being the source of all of the family pain and dysfunctions. It is usually the most empathetic child who calls out truth.

C-PTSD Playlist

C-PTSD - What is it?

Complex - PTSD. What makes it complex, why are we just now discovering it.

Identifying Trauma

Trauma is behind many health and mental issues. Discover why addressing trauma in your life is vital. Videos on Implicit and Explicit memories are included.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you are a fraud? Understand why you might be feeling like an imposter

Borderline Personality Disorder

Understand the many ways that trauma reactions may manifest in a person's life who has endured continued abuse or traumatic events.

Pathological Liar

Pathological Liars

Do you know someone who has a story for anything, and you just can't put your finger on what feels wrong? This list is for you.

Conversations and communication

Body Language

It's what is not said that speaks the loudest. Learn how to "read" body language and other forms of nonverbal communication.

Childhood Adversity

Just because you are an adult now, does not mean that you are not experiencing the effects of childhood trauma in your life and health.

A rusty hart shaped lock with a keyhole in the center is mounted on a weathereed door.

Trauma Bond or Infatuation?

Learn what a Trauma Bond is and how it is different from infatuation. How it affects your health, your sanity, and your self esteem.

Internal Family Systems

Learn what internal Family Systems are, and what roles are assigned to children. These roles set up the roles that will be repeated throughout life unknowningly.

A plain doormat with the words "Welcome". a pair of men's loafers are partially on the mat.

People Pleasing

Learn what People Pleasing is, how to stop it and how to recover from putting other people ahead of yourself, and your sanity.

Simple outline of a man's profile, a dirty dark cloud hides the top of his head and face. The letters, C-PTSD is written in the cloud.

What is C-PTSD

Most people have heard of PTSD. Have you heard of C-PTSD? This is Complex- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Survivor Symptoms

Recogize the symptoms that come from surviving narcissistic abuse and what to do about it. Learn how to support survivors by understanding these behaviors.

Abstact painting in orange, yellow, red and black. The paint is smeared all over the canvas.

Smear Campaigns

Smear campaigns are devastatingly painful and bewildering. Learn what they are and how to survive and thrive in spite of them.

Betrayal Trauma

Learn what to do when you have experienced betrayal and what not to do. This life altering behavior will happen in each of our lives, but to different degrees.

Video Playlists

Calming Anxiety

Educating yourself about the dynamics of what trauma is, will equip you in no longer believing that you don't have a choice, but to be traumatized. Here's some videos to help re-regulate your body and mind when anxiety rises up.