Your Weaknesses are Not What You Think

Becoming familiar and realistic with your weaknesses is the first step in becoming your authentic self. To identify your weaknesses, you must identify your strengths. What is your personality type? I love the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator. It’s easy to comprehend and helpful in embracing me and others in their essence and glory. One of Read More

Beyond Black and White: Navigating Beliefs and Perspectives in Life’s Coloring Book

POST SUMMARY  |  AUDIO RECORDING  |  ZEN COLOR APPs KEY TAKEAWAYS Importance of empathy and exploring different perspectives. Noticing the tendency to label others as “good” or “bad” in political discourse. Recognizing personal biases and preferences. Using coloring pages as a metaphor to reveal hidden beliefs and assumptions. Practicing patience, zooming out periodically, and embracing Read More

Identifying Symptoms and Causes of Procrastination, Anxiety, and Self-Doubt

Procrastination, anxiety, and self-doubt are common struggles many individuals face in their daily lives. These are symptoms of things that have happened to you – not what is wrong with you. The causes behind these challenges can be complex and multifaceted and are often intertwined with our beliefs, experiences, and behaviors. Before we can change Read More

Embracing Your Authenticity: A Journey of Self-Discovery

In the symphony of our daily conversations, certain refrains echo more frequently than others – the lines we habitually use when speaking about ourselves. But have you ever paused to question the veracity of these self-narratives? Are they truths or simply beliefs we have come to accept? Let’s delve deeper into this introspection: Questioning the Read More